Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?

Through the last few years I have tried both the sticks and overnight treatments of: Blistex, ChapStick, Vaseline.

Now I am giving Burts Bees: Beeswax lip balm, a try. But my lips are still peeling!!What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?
Drink more water and use a natural, non-petroleum based product on your lips. Out of the ones you have mentioned, Burts Bees is the best but you have to keep hydrated, out of the wind. the product will help prevent peeling, but once you're already peeling, it will only help to protect your lips but it won't make the damage disappear or go away. It needs to follow it's natural cycle. Also, make sure you're not licking your lips as this will cause them to dry and chap even faster.What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?
blue box, blistex complete moisture: heavenly!
Carmex really cover and seal in moisture. I am dealing with the same issue. I also like to use C.O. Bigelow's lip balm from Bath and Body Works. I hope they work for you.

Good Luck!
Burts Bees,Vaseline, and sometimes lip gloss might help cause it works for me.
Natural Ice. it's cooling and it's great too.I love it. Won't use anything else. The rest suck!
Try exfoliating them before you go to bed, to get rid of dead cells. After brushing your teeth, you could just scrub your lips with your toothbrush after. Just not too hard. Then lubricate your lips when some moisture is freshly locked in your cells. I like Carmex, as do many others apparently. I hope this works.
I use carmex
I use Mentholatum every night. Works great!
Aquafina hydrating lip oil.
Carmex is great.........comes in cherry , mint and strawbetty flavored now.....
When I was 22, I came down with cold sores and somebody recommended using Carmex. It didn't really help the initial break out, but it did make my lips feel better. I'm now almost 39 and still use it daily and firmly believe it helps stifle breakouts and instantly relieves dry lips. And, btw, it contains bees wax, but it's considered an ';inactive ingredient';.
i like chapstick, burts bees, and aquaphor. . .
I like to use Carmax! It works great for chapped lips.
hey ,

1. wipe lips where the crustyness is at a minimal

2. apply carmex on them

3. place a little vaseline on them (the vasiline will fade away

4. do this everday and i swear it will go away
carmex, 2x a day
my favorite kind is carmex and the best part about it is that you can get it for under $1 at walmart
carmex carmex!!
brush ur lips with a toothbrush and apply a large lump of vaseline over night in the morning you will see what a significant difference it has made, ive tried evey lip balm ranign from blistex lush,body shop to big department stores lip balms (clinque,mac)
take any favorite lip balm, chapstick whatever you want to call it.

Put it on your lips, get a wash cloth put warm water on it and then press your lips over the wash cloth (hard) for 10 seconds. Then put your lip balm or chapstick on again.

Another way to sure this problem, is to take a hot wash cloth and run your lips. This helps exfoliate the lips and all the blood goes there and creates nice luscious red lips, and a little puffier, without the botox!

Maybe its your toothpaste... I have had a reaction to tartar control toothpaste that made my gums, lips and the skin around them peel.
you might try giving your lips a break from moisturizing, maybe even lightly exfoliate them before bed. when we train our bodies to expect things they stop doing what they would normally do without them. hence, people who wash their hair every day don't have enough oil in it and so their scalp produces more, forcing them to wash their hair everyday. A vicious cycle. :)
blistex fruit smotties the green one is best
Use regular Vaseline - not the stick or overnight treatment, but the greasy stuff that comes in a tub. Slather it on your lips every night before bed, and they will get noticeably better soon.
When I have a dry spot on my lips that won't seem to go away with chapstick, I rub some really moisture intensive hand cream into my lips a few times a day. The kinds that leave your hands feeling waxy or filmy seem to hold the moisture longer. Once the dryness goes away, switch back to chapstick as a preventative. If this is a persistant problem, make sure you're not licking your lips. When they are chapped, it seems natural to lick them to relieve the dryness or pain, which just makes the problem worse. If the problem is really bad, see a doctor
Carmex for sure! Apply liberally. I love the tingling sensation.
CARMEX is definitely the best! Especially if your lips are already peeling or cracked! My lips always get that way...and so far Carmex is the only type that has healed my lips! After that you can try any flavor of lip balm from Body Shop. They're products are awsome and keep your lips from chapping well smelling good and not all mentholated!

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