Sunday, December 13, 2009

My 5 yr old has very bad chapped lips, what kind of chapstick is the best?

My 5yr old daughter is always licking or sucking on her upper lip, how can I stop that habit of her? I tried carmex on her and it burned her lips, (cried and screamed, so i wiped it off) what's the best chap stick i can use for her cracked dry lips? I know lip gloss doesn't work.My 5 yr old has very bad chapped lips, what kind of chapstick is the best?
Plain petroleum jelly.

The main thing is to help her kick the habit - I have dry lips and petroleum jelly is the best. Even at age 35, my lips get a little irritated at anything else than plain petroleum jelly. I do use lip gloss or stick but only for special occasions, and I have SoftLips for errands, etc - they have a little tingle but otherwise don't bother me; neither do they moisturize as well.

Vaseline makes it as a little tube - it squirts out a little and you can smear it on (but I wouldn't advise using the round part to smear it on because eventually bacteria gets into it and it starts to smell funny). Just squirt and use finger to cover lips.

Also, oil can irritate, so make sure she cleans her mouth with mild soap (hypoallergenic baby wash does fine) and pat dry and immediately put the petroleum jelly on. If they ever feel dry, put more on.

Good luck :)My 5 yr old has very bad chapped lips, what kind of chapstick is the best?
I agree you should up the water intake. This is the absolute best stuff I have ever used for my lips and I spend a lot of time outdoors and get chapped lips. I've tried a lot of different kinds and this one has no competition. It shouldn't sting either...stay away from the medicated variety.鈥?/a>

They also have a honey version that tastes yummy. She may enjoy this one more.鈥?/a>

Around here (Va.) , you can usually find it in certain Hallmark stores right near the cash register.

Call around to drugstores, too. Many do carry it.
this is a classic sign of dehydration -give the child more liquids, including popsicles. use neosporin till the lips are healed and then find a fun lip balm for the child to use. don't share products as this increases the chances of cold sores.
seriously? straight up lard. you can also use crisco or other vegetable shortening but it's not as effective (she'll be less likely to lick the lard off).
it isn't chap stick but it might work try aquafore. It can be a sign of dehydration or be exzama. Have your doc look at it.
it could also be a vitamin thing I think. I can't remember which, possibly taking fish oil would help.

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