Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chapped lips?

my lips get really chapped, really fast, really easily. they get really red when i try to lick them to sooth them. everywhere i go i always carry chap stick but i was wondering if theres other methods for helping with constantly chapped/dry lips.Chapped lips?
It truley depends on the type of Chap stick your using. Try using Aqufina, or Soft lips, The best of 5star Rateing would be BURTS BEES. You wont have any problums with chapped lips if you use thatt, anywya,


Here is the chapstick webpage for burts bees if u would like anymore inforamation on it

if that is not the correct url, google burts bees.

*vote best answer if helped!Chapped lips?
I've found carmex to be the best. I had a family member who was on a ventilator and got incredibly chapped lips as a result. Drs told us to avoid vaseline as it can actually cause a type of burn. Chap stick is great for prevention but it doesn't have as many healing properties. Drink plenty of water too. Dehydration often shows in the lips;)
wel 1st licking your lips makes them worse.. I know it soothes them but it makes the chapping worse. if chap stick isnt helping I would suggest using either soft lips (lip protectant) or Carmex... regular chapstick doesnt work for me either.. it makes my lips drier.. carmex for very chapped lips works great.. if they are raw it does tend to tingle a little for a few minutes but both that I named have an spf protector in them... also you could drink more water in addition to the carmex/softlips.
Go to your local pharmacy and find the lip balm aisle.

Vaseline may be not as comfortable as Blistex or other medicated lip ointments, because it's not specially made for chapped lips.

You can also ask a pharmacist about the best brands while you are there.

Murad Soothing Skin and Lip Care online or at Sephora stores also Glytone Condition Nighttime Lip Treatment

Only things that work for my chapped lips-everything else only provided very temporary results for me
licking your lips actually dries them out! carry chapstick and when you get the urge to lick, swipe that stick! just make sure you take it out of your pocket before you wash your pants....
Vaseline Lip Therapy or Blistex.
Try not to lick you're lips that just makes it worse, use carmex it lasts all day.

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