Sunday, December 13, 2009

What should I do about chapped lips?

I have been getting chapped and dry lips really frequently. I have tried almost every kind of balm and chapstick (including Blistex). Please help me!!! It is interfering with my life since it gets dry and chapped like every 2 hours after appyling something. What should I do?What should I do about chapped lips?
I've had major problems with this as well. Chapstick and other similar products are addictive. They actually make your lips dryer in the end! Use Carmex lip balm. You can find it at Wal-mart and probably any pharmacy. You only have to use it once or twice a day, and your lips stay soft throughout the day. It's got plain yellow packaging and is not very pretty looking, but it's good, trust me!What should I do about chapped lips?
You just have to keep them moisturized. I can't go one day let alone hours without something like some lip gloss or chapstick on my lips. Another thing is not to lick them because it will make them drier... Just keep on using your chapstick, and when you're at home use vaseline on your lips.. i know it sounds ghetto, but it will help keep them moisturized because it's not as thick and balmy as well... I don't know if you're a boy or girl, but you can use clear lip gloss if you're not the type to wear lipstick or colored glosses. neutrogena has a clear lipgloss, and it's kinda pricy but it works...
exfoliate them. I know that BeautiControl makes this stuff LipApeel that works awesome, but a toothbrush and some petroleum/baking soda paste will work also. Scrub them GENTLY, rinse, Apply some olive oil on the lips and do so often. Before bed, rub on a generous amt. of petroleum jelly.Drink more water and less soda.
there is this stuff you can get in a little jar (carmex size) that is actually made for cracked skin on your feet that works really well as a deep penetrating lib balm. It is very thick and no matter how much you lick your lips it does not come off. I think it is called Crack Cream and can be bought at Wal-Mart. My sons and I apply it 2-3 times a day and we havent had chapped lips all winter where before our lips were so dry they cracked and bled
I've noticed that I get chapped lips fairly quickly whenever I travel, so I always carry some kind of chapstick with me, applying it liberally and often (every 30 minutes to 2 hours, as needed) as soon as I notice any signs of chapped lips.

I finally figured out that the CAUSE was that I was drinking far fewer fluids (primarily water) when I traveled. Try to increase -- rather than simply maintaining -- the amount of water and other fluids that you drink. Applying any lip balm that will seal in the water will then be able to work MUCH better.
Do aerobics each day. Get the blood flowing better. The chapping will go away.
Naturally obtained Prostaglandin F2 alpha and Prostaglandin E in a fructose and protein mixture. See the link. Apply everynight and as needed.
dont use chapsticks. use blistex. it helps a lot. out it on every 30 minutes for a day atleast.
Take a dry toothbrush and gently move along lips...this will get rid of dead skin. Try Blistex again after doing this...
I also get chapped lips all the time. What I do is drink loads of fluids and apply blistex/chapstick( which one I have at the moment) frequently.
try neosporin lip treatment
continue using a good lip balm with sunscreen or neosporin. drink more water.
I find that vaseline works great. Try to avoid sticky, cheap, ';gloopy'; lipglosses with heavy flavours or scents.And no matter how much you are tempted, try not to keep licking your lips, this will dry them out even more!
drinking lots of water also helps, keeps you hydrated

Can ginga vitus also also affect the way chapped lips heal?

Because I have gingavitus and im going to the dentists soon. and I learned that gingavitus puts down your bodies endurance energy and stamina. because the gingavitus damages the organs and everything else in your body. but can that also effect the way chapped lips heal?Can ginga vitus also also affect the way chapped lips heal?
hey there,

well. you are going too far there...

Its not that gingivitis is damaging every organ of yours..

What actually happens is this..

if gingivitis is not treated for a long time, it can progress to periodontitis which can POSSIBLY cause bacteria to enter the blood stream and cause infection elsewhere. hence the association between gum disease and heart attack..

but, don't just simply think that gingivitis is gonna affect all parts of

your body

hope i was helpful and do visit my site for more on dental health

How to get rid of Chapped Lips?

See, i woke up and my lips were very dry. I was wondering if Vaselin or applying Blistex would do anything?

Any suggestions?How to get rid of Chapped Lips?

avoid licking lips.How to get rid of Chapped Lips?
Advice: Do not lick lips - the saliva mixes in with the natural oils and when the saliva is dry the oils go with it.

First just get a face cloth and soak it in warm water and put it on you lips for 5 min - try to keep it warm by soaking it again.

2nd, Put vaseline to keep the moisture in


Do this until its gone
first of all chapstick! duhh. and yes i use vaseline when they r the worst...and it works! just b sure 2 get it only on your lips, not too much on the skin.. if u get a heavy layer on the skin, it will cause acne because vaseline is petrolium jelly(an acid). glad 2 help :)
the brand softlips is the best. i used to always wake up with chapped lips and it would work so fast to get rid of it. put some on before you go to bed and then put a little on in the morning and throughout the day. it helps a lot!!
Step one:

Buy some chapstick

Step Two:

Remove the cap

Step three:

Apply chap stick on upper and bottom lip

Step four:

Repeat step three everytime the chap stick dries off

Step five:

If you run out, just lick your lips until you can find some more.
Carmex is the best for chapped lips, heals in a day or two, and you wont have it again.

should be in most any store, looks like this:
Vaseline intensive lip care works great. It has a moisturizer in it. If you ware lip stick use a lip stick with a moisturizer in it to help keep your lips from chapping.
ya just your regular chapstick or blistex. Personally i like carm-x the best it works very very well. just use it regularly and your lips will go back to normal
one way (in general) to keep them less chapped is to drink water and stay hydrated. also, applying chap stick and/or vaselin at night and in the morning will keep them moist.
Drink more water, your probably just dehydrated alot and just don't know it. Stop eating and drinking stuff that has too much sodium or sugar too for alittle.
Yes I get that once in a while and blistex or carmex helps but also noticed that milk blotted on your lips feels soothing and somehow heals them quick. Hope one of these will help you.
Vaseline, put 2 layers on and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes. Chapstick doesnt really work all that well, i think it just prevents dry lips. Also try Burts Bee's Beeswax lip balm.
Or, when just as you've finished brushing your teeth, scrub your lips (gently!) with your toothbrush and that will remove access dead skin (:
Use Chapstick. Dry lips may also be your body's way of telling you,';Help! I need water!';
Vaseline works great overnight.
Don't like your lips, they only make them dryer. Vaseline helps a bunch, just remember DON'T LICK!
yeah but i think the generic is better
Yeah dont lick! Vaseline, Carmex, Chapstick etc will all work
u could use vaseline or if u have no time chpstick and vaseline
apply an lip balm with sunscreen
I prefer Carmex.
carmex always seemed to work for me i would get the stick kind.
Yea that would work..or chap stick!
ofcourse clowney get down with sum chap stick or if that dont work kiss a frog

How to cure extreme chapped lips?

This may sound simple, but for the past 2 weeks, I've been suffering from extreme chapped lips. I've tried everything, from drowing it with blistex, chapsticks, to vaseline, nothing works. It itches and if I irritate it, they turn into fever blisters (if I leave it alone the blisters go away in a day) but the chapped lips remain. It's so bad that it feels like there's a ';ring'; around my lips that itches and burn.

Anyone has any other home remedies? Thank you.How to cure extreme chapped lips?
Yikes. Sounds bad. Try carmex which always gets the job done and its really cheap. I think $.69 each in any store. I have also heard of applying cool, salt-soaked cloths to the lips everyday to hydrate the lips. Seal in the moisture with a lip balm containing waxes or lanolin. In extreme cases, apply hydrocortisone ointment under the lip balm. Avoid frequent lip licking. Change lipstick to rule out allergies. Apply lip balm with sunscreen before venturing into the sun. Hope this helps.How to cure extreme chapped lips?
i have lips like you. the only chap sticks that work is carmex, and burts bees wax chapstick. in the winter i have to put a light layer of vaseline on at night (any form) and they are much better the next morning. i was talking to someone, (who was black) and they said to rub lotion over them. just a little bit. i havent tried it but it could work. every other chapstick dries my lips out... thats why i dont wear gloss or lip stick. good luck and i feel your pain!!
try putting Vix on it. i know that sounds gross but dont lick the vix off or anything. make sure your lips always have a coat of chapstick on them at all times. drink lots of water to rehydrate your lips. dont like your lips that will make it worse

good luck
Try carmex (I think that is what its called) it is a lip balm that is medicated. It will sting at first but if you use it regularly it will heal them. It is in a yellow tube and I think the cap is red. Its by the chapstick.
I know for a fact the lip balm from bath and body works works great. Also, the have a repair lip cream that it in a white, little, round container. Also, i have heard that carmex works wonders.
try berts bee's wax and drink lots of water. Sometime I get really chapped lips when my body does not have enough water.

Is vaseline or petroleum jelly bad for chapped lips?

I've noticed that a lot of chapsticks that I use contain ';petrolatum'; which is petroleum jelly. I heard that petroleum is bad for chapped lips. It this true?Is vaseline or petroleum jelly bad for chapped lips?
actually vaseline is good for chapped lips and much cheaper than chap sticks, it keeps the lips moist and also prevents any foreign materials from getting into the open chapsIs vaseline or petroleum jelly bad for chapped lips?
Menthol and camphor are bad for chapped lips, not petroleum jelly.
i have to agree with bullwink, when my children got nappy rash

we used Vaseline, it protected and moistened their little butts.

its a great lubricant ideal for chapped/cracked skin.
Petroleum is the oil they make gas and other things out of, including the jelly that's called petrolatum. Petrolatum is the jelly. No it's not bad for the lips; it's used in many medications.

My 9 mth old son is having chapped lips and skin around his mouth due to cold weather. Any remedy?

1. I am applying Baby Magic body lotion atleast thrice a day but doesn't help.My 9 mth old son is having chapped lips and skin around his mouth due to cold weather. Any remedy?
Don't use lotion--either use A%26amp;D, Vaseline, or Aquaphor Baby. All 3 are great for that area!

Absolutely do not use Carmex--adults shouldn't even use it, much less a baby! The formula has an addictive component--I believe it's menthol, which actually makes your lips more dried out so you are tricked into using more Carmex--it feels good when you apply it so you think it must be working, but it makes them worse.My 9 mth old son is having chapped lips and skin around his mouth due to cold weather. Any remedy?
If you bf, use that tube of Lanisoh you have lying around. They work great on chapped/cracked/sore nipples but can double as a moisturizer and a chap stick that is safe for your baby.
I am in the same situation, my daughter is 9 month old and has red patches around her lips and chapped lips. I have been putting Vaseline on it and it works great. Clears it right up!

I wouldn't use Baby Lotion, it has fragrance which can irritate the chapped skin.
Carmex or bag balm works best for us. I have a little drooling machine and I've tried vaseline, lotion, lanolin salve, A%26amp;D ointment, chapstick, everything I could think of and good ole carmex and bag balm do the trick. You have to stay on it though, apply it over and over. Kinda tastes bad too, but works like a charm.
Dont use anything that has a fragrance.

Good ole' vaseline or Mentholatum will take care of it.
My son is 8 months old and goes to a daycare. Needless to say he gets a lot of colds and congested. Whenever he gets a ';crusty'; nose, my wife and I clean it up before he goes to bed. Sometimes it gets raw and sore looking. We use normal Vaseline for his nose. We also have a humidifier running throughout the night to help with the congestion. Whenever this situation happens, he seems to be feeling and looking better the next day or two of doing this.

He never has had chapped lips, but if he did, we would use the Vaseline for that same situation.
No Baby magic.

Eucerin Aquaphor, you can find it at most drugstores with the lotion.

It's what the hopital recommended and it works wonders.
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  • My 5 yr old has very bad chapped lips, what kind of chapstick is the best?

    My 5yr old daughter is always licking or sucking on her upper lip, how can I stop that habit of her? I tried carmex on her and it burned her lips, (cried and screamed, so i wiped it off) what's the best chap stick i can use for her cracked dry lips? I know lip gloss doesn't work.My 5 yr old has very bad chapped lips, what kind of chapstick is the best?
    Plain petroleum jelly.

    The main thing is to help her kick the habit - I have dry lips and petroleum jelly is the best. Even at age 35, my lips get a little irritated at anything else than plain petroleum jelly. I do use lip gloss or stick but only for special occasions, and I have SoftLips for errands, etc - they have a little tingle but otherwise don't bother me; neither do they moisturize as well.

    Vaseline makes it as a little tube - it squirts out a little and you can smear it on (but I wouldn't advise using the round part to smear it on because eventually bacteria gets into it and it starts to smell funny). Just squirt and use finger to cover lips.

    Also, oil can irritate, so make sure she cleans her mouth with mild soap (hypoallergenic baby wash does fine) and pat dry and immediately put the petroleum jelly on. If they ever feel dry, put more on.

    Good luck :)My 5 yr old has very bad chapped lips, what kind of chapstick is the best?
    I agree you should up the water intake. This is the absolute best stuff I have ever used for my lips and I spend a lot of time outdoors and get chapped lips. I've tried a lot of different kinds and this one has no competition. It shouldn't sting either...stay away from the medicated variety.鈥?/a>

    They also have a honey version that tastes yummy. She may enjoy this one more.鈥?/a>

    Around here (Va.) , you can usually find it in certain Hallmark stores right near the cash register.

    Call around to drugstores, too. Many do carry it.
    this is a classic sign of dehydration -give the child more liquids, including popsicles. use neosporin till the lips are healed and then find a fun lip balm for the child to use. don't share products as this increases the chances of cold sores.
    seriously? straight up lard. you can also use crisco or other vegetable shortening but it's not as effective (she'll be less likely to lick the lard off).
    it isn't chap stick but it might work try aquafore. It can be a sign of dehydration or be exzama. Have your doc look at it.
    it could also be a vitamin thing I think. I can't remember which, possibly taking fish oil would help.

    What's the best way to heal chapped lips?

    I hate using chapstick or blistex because they always seem to make the problem worse in the long run. I think the problem is that they're petroleum-based, so they lock out moisture instead of adding it back in.

    What's the best way to combat this awful winter dryness?What's the best way to heal chapped lips?
    I agree-the petroleum based products make it worse. I love Burts Bees lip balm.What's the best way to heal chapped lips?
    i agree with michelle s. When i had dry lips and all, i tried drinking water. now, i am NOT a water drinker, but i went and got flavored sparkling water, which tasted really good (like soda but healthier) and it made me want to drink it. you should really try it.
    CARMEX-BRAND ,use it overnight for quick healing -and the best part is that it's real cheap-its been around forever-all those new 'advanced brands' are just a watse of time and money
    I hated putting on chapstick til now!! I LOVEEE and trust me this works Softlips in Vanilla yummy and works within one day!
    Drink lots of water and use chapstick very often. It isn't instant but it works.
    Don't know other then chapstick.
    well first of all you can buy some patrolium jelly and put it on your lips then try burts bees wax lip balm
    Mary Kay offers a fantastic Satin Lips set for $18.00 (lasts a long time). The Lip Mask helps gently remove the dry skin on lips and then the Lip Balm provides moisture and healing. I used to pick at my lips a lot in the winter and this turned out to be the only thing that I could use on my lips that didn't hurt and that actually helped with healing them.
    chapstick, vaseline, carmax, lipgloss
    You want to lock in the moisture. The moisture comes from your body, that is why you should drink plenty of water.
    Chapstick is not instant. It does bring moisture back to your lips. Or try some other product that is ';For Chapped Lip'; or ';To bring moisture back to your lips use....'; Something like that
    if petroleum bothers you, tryanother type of chapstick that isn't petroleum based and drink lots of water. dont lick your lips. ithink that the two best chapstick that arent petroleum based are the aveeno and the burt's bees kind

    For chapped lips, you can put vaseline on your lips and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. After that you take a toothbrush you arent using and brush your lips. All the flakes will just disappear! Ive tried this and it does work. If you dont want to do all that, use carmex. you can buy it for around 1.50 at any store.
    If your lips are chapped already use a facial scrub on them to buff away the dry skin. Or if you want mix ';table'; sugar and just a little bit of water to buff your lips with. Then use Carmex, lipstick, or lip gloss...anything to keep you from licking your lips, which is usually the problem. Also drink plenty of water, I don't know why this helps, but it does.
    drink plenty of water, avoid licking your lips, use blistex medicated, but if you can afforded try clinique's -just for lips

    udder cream and unscented lotions work too
    At night put diaper rash cream on your lips, in the morninf wash it off and use a wet toothbruch to remove the dead skin... obviously do not use the same toothbrush for your teeth :)
    use carmex its the best thing to use i used it and my sores went away in a week or less
    In the hospital they use plain old Crisco. They bathe the burn victims and apply Crisco, everyday. It keeps the skin moist so it doesn't peel, or get infected.

    I've been using it for works. I just use it at night.

    No more dry, cracked, sore lips.

    Your right about the chap stick. It's not the best thing.

    I haven't bought any since the nurses told me about the Crisco.
    A quick-fix is to just scrub your lips with a mixture of sugar and lemon juice to take off the dead skin.

    My favorite lip balms used to be actually Nanak's Lip Smoothie and Burt's Bees Lip Balm. But now I just put vaseline on them and it works just as well.
    buy a better chapstick, like bees wax. that is really good chapstick.
    first of all soften them up and get rid of the chap by scrubbin it away with a toothbrush put some shea butter on it and use chapstick without the skin on ur lips the chapstick shouldnt make it worse
    one time i whent to walmart to get some black leather shoes and a manicure. then when i was checking out the ladie asked for money and i game her my fonebook and ran. i forgot my stuff. my girlfriend brokeup with me. sayd somethig about me being a lezfrian. i went to the bar to drink and then came out and as i was leaving i got pulled over for being naked while driving. i mean, WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN. my cat was all over the cop and everything. i whent over to my dogs house after i whent home to put on a j string and my dog was smoking pot!!!!!!!!!!!!! would i tell you he is going to be in big trouble for not telling me about it and sharing.THEN I CAME HOME AND GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aveeno makes lip stuff now- it works pretty well.

    Also, I use carmex a lot and really like it.

    What to do when your baby has chapped lips?

    My baby is 13 days old and has chapped lips. What can I give her or put on her lips to make them less dry? Also does this mean she's dehydrated?What to do when your baby has chapped lips?
    There no need to apply anything to your baby's lips at this time. It is just a normal process that their skin goes through at this stage. It will start to look normal over the next couple of weeks. Please don't put any K-Jelly or Vaseline on your babies lips. Petroleum is a bad idea for any ones skin let alone a new born. I know it is hard not to do anything but this chapped appearance will go away before you know it. Congratulations on your new baby.What to do when your baby has chapped lips?
    ky jelly 3-4x a day, dry lips can be but also it happens in young babys and the weather can do it.
    if breastfeedin express some milk into your hand or a cup and apply that to her lips.

    Breastmilk has way better healing properties then Vaseline/KY jelly
    If they look like little 'pillows' evenly distributed across her lips, that is normal. Her lips are becoming conditioned to suckling.

    Pure Lanolin is always a safe balm to put on them though. :o)

    Whats the best and most quick and effective way to get rid of chapped lips?

    okay right now i really cant have chapped lips, and i need to get rid of them. FAST! please advise? tips? anything is wanted.Whats the best and most quick and effective way to get rid of chapped lips?
    I've had a constant problem with chapped lips my entire life and I live by Carmex. I've tried everything from blistex to avon to vaseline and carmex works the fastest.Whats the best and most quick and effective way to get rid of chapped lips?
    Put Vaseline on them
    Vaseline for lips, boots the chemist for 99p.
    Carmex is the best!
    vaseline and

    medicated lip balm ...

    and NOT just before bed time ...

    about three times through out day with the

    lip balm and about 5 with the vaseline and

    then it should be gone in about 1-3 days .

    those are the best ways .

    easiest ways , fastest !
    Apply chapstick (medicated works well) before going to bed.
    Go to bath and body or a store like that. there is this lip buffer you can buy its in a green lipstick. It's a chap-stick with these little buffing cristals in it. It gets rid of chapped lips in about a day. but the trick is to apply it about 3 times a day while chapped.

    What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?

    Through the last few years I have tried both the sticks and overnight treatments of: Blistex, ChapStick, Vaseline.

    Now I am giving Burts Bees: Beeswax lip balm, a try. But my lips are still peeling!!What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?
    Drink more water and use a natural, non-petroleum based product on your lips. Out of the ones you have mentioned, Burts Bees is the best but you have to keep hydrated, out of the wind. the product will help prevent peeling, but once you're already peeling, it will only help to protect your lips but it won't make the damage disappear or go away. It needs to follow it's natural cycle. Also, make sure you're not licking your lips as this will cause them to dry and chap even faster.What is the best lip balm for chapped lips?
    blue box, blistex complete moisture: heavenly!
    Carmex really cover and seal in moisture. I am dealing with the same issue. I also like to use C.O. Bigelow's lip balm from Bath and Body Works. I hope they work for you.

    Good Luck!
    Burts Bees,Vaseline, and sometimes lip gloss might help cause it works for me.
    Natural Ice. it's cooling and it's great too.I love it. Won't use anything else. The rest suck!
    Try exfoliating them before you go to bed, to get rid of dead cells. After brushing your teeth, you could just scrub your lips with your toothbrush after. Just not too hard. Then lubricate your lips when some moisture is freshly locked in your cells. I like Carmex, as do many others apparently. I hope this works.
    I use carmex
    I use Mentholatum every night. Works great!
    Aquafina hydrating lip oil.
    Carmex is great.........comes in cherry , mint and strawbetty flavored now.....
    When I was 22, I came down with cold sores and somebody recommended using Carmex. It didn't really help the initial break out, but it did make my lips feel better. I'm now almost 39 and still use it daily and firmly believe it helps stifle breakouts and instantly relieves dry lips. And, btw, it contains bees wax, but it's considered an ';inactive ingredient';.
    i like chapstick, burts bees, and aquaphor. . .
    I like to use Carmax! It works great for chapped lips.
    hey ,

    1. wipe lips where the crustyness is at a minimal

    2. apply carmex on them

    3. place a little vaseline on them (the vasiline will fade away

    4. do this everday and i swear it will go away
    carmex, 2x a day
    my favorite kind is carmex and the best part about it is that you can get it for under $1 at walmart
    carmex carmex!!
    brush ur lips with a toothbrush and apply a large lump of vaseline over night in the morning you will see what a significant difference it has made, ive tried evey lip balm ranign from blistex lush,body shop to big department stores lip balms (clinque,mac)
    take any favorite lip balm, chapstick whatever you want to call it.

    Put it on your lips, get a wash cloth put warm water on it and then press your lips over the wash cloth (hard) for 10 seconds. Then put your lip balm or chapstick on again.

    Another way to sure this problem, is to take a hot wash cloth and run your lips. This helps exfoliate the lips and all the blood goes there and creates nice luscious red lips, and a little puffier, without the botox!

    Maybe its your toothpaste... I have had a reaction to tartar control toothpaste that made my gums, lips and the skin around them peel.
    you might try giving your lips a break from moisturizing, maybe even lightly exfoliate them before bed. when we train our bodies to expect things they stop doing what they would normally do without them. hence, people who wash their hair every day don't have enough oil in it and so their scalp produces more, forcing them to wash their hair everyday. A vicious cycle. :)
    blistex fruit smotties the green one is best
    Use regular Vaseline - not the stick or overnight treatment, but the greasy stuff that comes in a tub. Slather it on your lips every night before bed, and they will get noticeably better soon.
    When I have a dry spot on my lips that won't seem to go away with chapstick, I rub some really moisture intensive hand cream into my lips a few times a day. The kinds that leave your hands feeling waxy or filmy seem to hold the moisture longer. Once the dryness goes away, switch back to chapstick as a preventative. If this is a persistant problem, make sure you're not licking your lips. When they are chapped, it seems natural to lick them to relieve the dryness or pain, which just makes the problem worse. If the problem is really bad, see a doctor
    Carmex for sure! Apply liberally. I love the tingling sensation.
    CARMEX is definitely the best! Especially if your lips are already peeling or cracked! My lips always get that way...and so far Carmex is the only type that has healed my lips! After that you can try any flavor of lip balm from Body Shop. They're products are awsome and keep your lips from chapping well smelling good and not all mentholated!

    How Do I Get Rid Of Chapped Lips?

    I have very chapped lips and I try from the newest and most popular brands of lip balm. But they come low on expectation. How do I get soft moist lips without making any lip balm myself?How Do I Get Rid Of Chapped Lips?
    Ok,i've messed up my lips bad.Because i am in band and during marching season,we had practice in the heat every day after school.My lips were dry,chapped,and burned.Here's what you do:

    Buy Carmex,Blistex,and Chapstick or Softlips,and vaseline.

    Every night before you go to sleep,put either Carmex or Vaseline,but alternate each night.

    And during the day,use either Chapstick or Soft Lips.

    I'll even provide you with links so you can choose whichever Blistex lip balm is best for you.

    Oh and you could also try the Chapstick overnight treatment but i've never tried it.

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day,do not lick your lips,that dries them out,do not peel or bite your lipsHow Do I Get Rid Of Chapped Lips?
    This works for me when I have chapped lips:

    Before you go to bed brush your lips as well as your teeth. It gets rid of the rough skin. Then smother your lips with your favourite moisturising lip balm and go to sleep. You are less likely to lick the balm off in the night so it'll work better. Then in the daytime reapply the lip balm almost obsessively, every time you have a drink or they feel dry. Do NOT lick your lips if they feel dry, it'll make them worse! Use the balm instead! :-)

    -I use 'Nivea light kiss' to soften them and then sort of 'lock in' the moisture with vaseline.
    Don't always go for the new and improved or the cutest lip balm. To tell you the truth, the one that works best is just planold bees wax. Burts Bees brand is definatly not fancy, but it works. Plus, don't expect it to work instantly! It sounds like you have a bad case of chapped lips so use it whever you can ( but don't layer it on) and for a couple of days. Results will show soon.
    Carmex, it cured my problem. (:

    I have screwed up lips and i'm allergic to a brand of chapstick and one time i used the stuff i'm allergic to and my the right side of my lip was overly red and a bit swollen, i used carmex and overnight my lip was back to normal. (:
    I had seriously chapped lips a week or two ago and now I don't. What I've been using is that Vaseline lip tube, a room cool mist humidifier, and I've been drinking more water.

    This is what my lips looked like a couple weeks ago (they were so chapped I took a picture!)鈥?/a>
    chopper chap. its a lip balm in a black or grey(if it has sunscreen) tube and it is made with paraffin. it was developed to help with the most severe cases of wind and sun burned lips, yet its affordable. 10.99 for 5 sticks鈥?/a>
    Drink alot of water! That is such a big reason for chapped lips! Lack of fluids, so drink alot of water and if they still dont heal, then I suggest putting a moisturizer or lotion on your lips ( careful, don't get any in you mouth! ) :)
    don't pick at them or bite them no matter how much you want to and just use standard Chapstick brand balm or, what i use which works well as long as you apply it regularly, is Medicated Blistex balm.
    keep ketchup on it for 20 minutes and make sure you dont lick the ketchup off. At the end you will have very soft and moist lips.
    Try using Chap stick it usually works for me.If that don't work try the carmex.. Both of those are good remidies.. Good Luck
    My nurse said that the dryness of lips starts from the throat, so she reccomended i drink lots of water.

    I did.

    And now it's all better!
    chapstick lol
    i know this sounds werid but try taking a shower/bath and rub your lips but not right away.
    You could see a dermatologist
    vaseline's really good. :).

    i use it when i get bad wind burn on my lips and it works really fast.
    vasaline :)
    Have you tried Carmex? It's really good.
    Carmex is king!
    Chapstick still works best for me. Some have SPF in them
  • >windows update
  • Anything else I can do about chapped lips?

    I'm constantly doing the obvious chapstick, but does anyone else have any other tips or tricks that I can utilize? Thanks so much.Anything else I can do about chapped lips?
    use some real butter out of the fridgeAnything else I can do about chapped lips?
    don't forget Blistex and Carmex, better than chapstick
    Well laughing at this joke about chapped lips may help. ....A bartender was looking out the window of his tavern, when he spots a guy getting off a horse. He astonishingly watched as the guy walked around to the back of his horse, lifted it's tail and rubbed his hand across the horses butt. then the guy smeared the mess over his lips and went inside. The bartender said '; Listen buddy I'll serve you but only if you tell me why you sheared that mess all over your lips.'; The guy said '; because I have chapped lips. The bartender said ';You mean to tell me that horse manure helps to heal chapped lips?'; The guy answered with:'; Well I'm not so sure that it helps to heal them, but it sure keeps me from licking them!!!';
    I no its obvious but drink water not alcohol (hic), nor caffeine in coke or tea or coffee

    an i like mint vaseline lip therapy in a lil round tub

    i tend t get it big time after a massive night on the juice
    Tea-tree Oil. Works wonders on chapped lips.
    I have the best stuff in the world for chapped lips.It is called Qtica lip repair balm.It will heal your lips in 48 hours.Go to for more info and to find a retailer.

    How can I get rid of Chapped Lips by the 24th?

    Ok so the 24th is the Halloween Dance and SUPPOSEDLY my crush is going to ask me.

    They arent TERRIBLY chapped but if it went away by the 24th.How can I get rid of Chapped Lips by the 24th?
    Drink plenty of water, don't lick your lips (it is really hard, but that will make it worse), and use chapstick. Put some vaseline on them at night. It is a great moisturizer. It will only take a few days to get them into great shape.How can I get rid of Chapped Lips by the 24th?
    I tried all these but i think the best one for mine is the petroleum jelly one.Just get the little blue vaseline tin or just get vaseline :)

    1. Massage dry lips with a generous dollop of petroleum jelly. Allow it to get to work for a couple of minutes to soften your skin. Then, gently rub your lips with a warm, damp facecloth. As the petroleum jelly is removed, the flakes of skin will come with it.

    2. Smooth your lips morning and night with a lip balm.

    3. Switch to a moisturizing lipstick to prevent your lips from drying out during the daytime.

    A good remedy for chapped lips: Crack open a Vitamin E gel capsule and rub the gel on your lips.

    Castor Oil for Chapped Lips

    First, chuck your Chapstick. Conventional lip balms contain petroleum and sometimes alcohol, both of which dry the sensitive skin on your lips. Instead, moisturize and protect your parched, peeling lips with castor oil. Carry a small squeeze bottle of the oil and apply it with your finger often throughout the day. If you plan to be out in the sun, use a natural petroleum- and alcohol-free balm with an SPF of 15 a few minutes after rubbing in the castor oil.

    More tips on Chapped Lips

    1. Avoid over exposure to sun and use a lip balm containing sun-block when going outside.

    2. Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking lots of water (8-10 glasses daily).

    3. Apply cool, salt-soaked cloths to the lips everyday to hydrate the lips.

    4. Avoid frequent lip licking because when you go out the cold air or the sun affects your lips and drys them out.

    Hope i helped:)

    and have a good time ar the halloween dance,

    x Amy x

    Just put on some chapstick (the brand chapstick) or carmex, or burts bees.

    Put it on everyday, once in the morning, once when you get home, and once at night.

    Should be fine by then. Good luck!
    Use Carmex during the day when you think of it, and put it on every night. Also, drink water! It doesn't take me long to get rid of chapped lips. Hope this helps!
    you can take a soft tooth brush and gently exfoliate your

    lips at night, and use a lot of chapstick.

    but at night, put like... body lotion or olive oil on your lips.
    I find that Aquafor helps me... it has healing ingredients in it... you could also try the Burts Bees for something on the natural side, like the other responses.
    Use Blistex lip ointment.
    use a lot of burts bees its real good

    good luck

    Is there anyway you can hide chapped lips?

    I have it on the corners of my mouth and its embarassing.Is there anyway you can hide chapped lips?
    whenever i have chapped lips i use petroleum jelly and apply it evenly. It helps to hide the appearance of chapped lip while at the same time making your lips soft and healthy.Is there anyway you can hide chapped lips?
    Stay away from lipgloss because it dries your lips out even more.

    Get a really good chapstick, I live by Burts Bees... it is amazing, and carry it around in your pocket and apply it whenever you need to.

    Take care of those babies!!
    Apply Carmex over and over again throughout the day.

    Please answer mine!!!!;鈥?/a>
    Wear chap stick all the time until it goes away. When it does go away, dont lick your lips, and keep putting chap stick or lip gloss on.
    Chapstick and lots of lipgloss.

    Well they're pretty much the same but the lipgloss makes it less noticable.
    i think you should use clarmex or chapstick with lip gloss so it look good
    use vaseline to moisturize them.
    Keep a chapstick in your purse and apply it once in a while.
    put lotion on it at night and during the day put chapstick:)

    hope i helped:)

    How do you get rid of chapped lips?

    I have chapped lips i need to get ride of it without puting oil and stuff on itHow do you get rid of chapped lips?
    Stay hydrated. Chapped lips is caused by dehydration.How do you get rid of chapped lips?
    Just give them time to heal, if you use any thing on your lips it will cause your body to stop sending moisture to your lips thereby making you addicted to what ever product you have chosen to replace the natural moisture provided by your body.
    Use Chapstick. Mentholated ones work. They're not all oily.
    Use chapstick or any petroleum based product. There is a new one made with bee's wax.

    Good luck....

    If you try keeping your lips wet..drink plenty of water and use a good lip liner...:D)
    well for starters if you are licking them then STOP, cuz that makes it worse. put chapstick on them, there is chapstick that is not ';girly'; if you are a guy. try burtz beez chapstick, thats pretty good stuff.
    Not really oils in chapstick.
    uh, chapstick,duh!

    How do I get rid of chapped lips?

    I get sticky chapped lips really easily. Like I'll put on some chapstick and lip gloss and then in less than an hour my lips get chap again. Its starting to bug me since I keep having to re apply chapstick and gloss every 20 minutes if I dont want it to get chapped again. Can somone reccomend a good lip product that will get rid of my chapped lips?How do I get rid of chapped lips?
    Vaseline Intense Lip Care 銉?br>

    hope i helped!How do I get rid of chapped lips?
    Ok, so what I do to mine because mine get chapped every 10 minutes until now: Talk to your doctor about it and he may recomend a type of chapstick or ';medication thing.'; That is fine. My doctor suggested both and now they are good. Also, bring water where you are going and take sips of it every once in a while. That helps too! Also vaseline is very useful and helps a ton! Hope I helped!
    I know this isn't a product but it always works for me.

    My lips get really chappy in the winter from the dry weather but every night I cover my lips with honey and leave it for like half an hour or something. Then I wash (or lick lol) it off and put lots of olive oil on them and in the morning they're always smooth, soft, (and sweet)
    don't use lip gloss as much, don't like your lips when they get chapped, and try using Carmex for dry chapped lips and cold sores. it may sting or tingle a little bit the first and second time you use it. but it REALLY works.
    I would use some kind of Vaseline and drink lots of water.This is what happened to me,I didn't drink enough water, so my lips looked dry and chapped but it will help if you drunk plenty of it.
    Drink a lot of water and apply vaseline as regularly as you can.
    Caudalie Lip Conditioner. I use it, and it works great!

    You can buy it at Sephora.
    use baby lotion, it may sound weird but over night you'll be amazed!!!
    they have this stuff called chapstick..
    olive oil, it rely works!

    How do I get rid of chapped lips fast?

    I have this recurring problem that happens ALL the time. My lips constantly get chapped and I don't know how to make it stop and rid of it fast. When I went to South Carolina's beach I went in the salt water and that seemed to help. Also, at the sides of my mouth there are two little cuts. Please help! I'm a clarinet player and saxophonist!! I need meh lips!How do I get rid of chapped lips fast?
    Put Vaseline on a tooth brush and dip it in sugar. Then lightly scrub your lips. After wards put chap stick on your lips and Herpecin L on the corners where they are cracked. After a few days of doing this your chapped lipped problem should be gone. Also, the Vaseline and sugar will help to get rid of dead skin and make the chap stick sink into your lips faster and deeper helping them heal more quickly. All products can be found at any drug store.How do I get rid of chapped lips fast?
    put some butter on ur naval may sound funny but navel is centre connection of whole body.put antiseptic cream like dettol on those cuts,stop licking lips,everytime they get dry moist them with water and then rub lipbalm
    u can use lip conditioners. some good ones i recommend are : Nivea, Mentholatum or chapped lips. they are all effective and your lips would recover within days!
    Don't lick them! Other than that I have found Carmex works well in healing them when chapped, and keeping them from getting chapped!
    Vaseline is really good and almost everyone has a jar in. Drink lots of water too to stop it from happening again
    Drink more water. You are probably dehydrated. Keep a good sunscreen/lip balm on your lips at all times.
    rub coconut butter on them
    keep some vaseline on them. It's the best thing for chapeed lips!
  • >windows update
  • How can I get rid of chapped lips?

    Everytime I get a cold I get chapped lips since I have to sleep with my mouth open. How can I get rid of my chapped lips? What is your favorite chapstick?How can I get rid of chapped lips?
    WHATEVER YOU DO.........


    Petrolateum...petrolatum...mineral oil = alcohol based!! Alcohol is drying, not moisturizing!!!

    Find any chapstick or lip moisturizer that doesn't have petrolatum or petroleum and it will help your lips. Petroleum is alcohol based and while it feels good while it is on, it actually DRIES your lips out in the long run!

    Also, jojoba or vitamin E or shea butter is awesome for moisturizing but hard to find in lip products. Just make sure to read the label or you could be doing more harm than good.

    PS...Vitamin E is a natural SPF (sunscreen) and can help your lips stop from getting chapped again, but regular ';active ingredient'; sunscreens can dry you out worse....How can I get rid of chapped lips?
    You should use this chapstick...

    You can buy it from bath and body works...

    It's called wet your whistle...

    It works really well!

    And drink water, it works

    lip smacker or medicated chapsticks or use carmex which really helps
    You could use one of the many varieties of blistex or carmex....or even vaseline
    I answered a question similar to this, so I'm copying and pasting my other one. :]

    I have the same problem! I absolutely LOVE Burt's Beeswax chapstick, but I use the kind that has honey in it, not the minty kind. Honey naturally softens lips so I've found that chapsticks works way better than any one on the market. [It has yellow packaging!]

    Also before I go to bed I use a ton of Vermont's Original Bag Balm. You can get it at a drugstore, it comes in a huge, square-shaped green tub and has red lettering and red flowers on it. It was originally designed to soothe cows dry, cracked udders after they had babies [kinda gross, huh?] but it works SO awesome on lips! Also, I recently found out that the company makes a smaller tub [great for purses!] of this stuff, but that ones harder to find!

    Another great product is Bobbi Brown lip balm. It's really thick and stays on for hours! And I use Bath %26amp; Body Works Sugar Scrub Lip Treatment [it comes in a white tube with purple and black lettering and a black cap!] ... it gets off all of the dead skin so my lips are smooth when I apply lipbalm.
    Carmex is the best lip balm, but prevention is everything; keep yourself as hydrated as possible. Drink lots of water and cut down on alcohol if you drink. Stay away from caffeinated beverages since caffeine is a diuretic (pushes water out of your system).
    Carmex is by far the best medicated lip gloss for ANY lips. You can also feel it working (it may burn slightly, but not to the extreme)
    Use any medicated chap stick. they work the fastest and the best. You can get them at a local CVS or Rite Aid. Or if you don't want to use that you can dry pure cocoa butter. It takes a bit longer to kick in but it works. you can get that at the local Beauty Supply Store.
    carmex....literally GLOB it on before bed and youll wake up in the morning with no more chapped lips
    before you go to bed put on last longer.i know because im sick right now...we can deal with this together.....hahahahah!!!!!!!!
    Just regular chapstick that you can find for like 89 cents. Out in the sun, I use chapstick with SPF 4.
    i use ';born lippy'; by bath and body. it really works! my lips are so smooth now.
    favorite chapstick-Chapstick brand.

    or if you're really chapped you could use medicated lip treatment like carmex or something.

    also drink more water sometimes chapped lips are a sign that you are dehydrated.
    Drink a lot of water... it's less likely for them to get chapped if you are hydrated. Use chapstick at least twice a day... and when participating in sports, especially snow and water, use chapstick with sunscreen in it., (it tastes horrible, but well worth it to protect your precious pucker!).
    Use Blistex, a couple of times everyday, and most importantly, before you go to sleep. I like blistex the best, because it is medicated, and it seems to work the fastest, to get rid of my chapped lips.
    Carmex lasts a long time and it's hard for me to get off sometimes. It has a bad taste but it works.
    The best is Burt's Bees Lip Balm
    use lip balm all the time
    The BEST thing for chapped lips is Mary Kay Satin Lips. It beats all chapsticks. Its not a wax like those. Its a two step system one that exfoliates the lips and the balm that goes over. I use the balm more than anything. You can use it daily, at night before you go to bed and especially when you have colds. The exfoliant works great as a routine treatment. Ive always had compliments on my lips since I started using it and the guys who have kissed me when I use it always notice how much softer my lips are. You can find all kinds of MK products on e-bay so that you dont have to worry about finding a rep and having to be constantly harassed to buy more more more. Retail it's about $15 for the set I believe, but you can get it on e-bay cheaper. But honestly, its worth it. I havnt been with out it in 3 years.

    When I was selling MK I recommended it to moms for their kids when they played fall and winter sports. Wind burn hurts and Ive even gotten more guys to use the balm than you would think. Once they get over the fact that its MK and see how good the product is, they are hooked just as well. No im not soliciting MK, but trust is so worth the cost and use beyond just when you're sick.
    baby oil
    Try Philosophy Kiss Me Exfoliating Lip Scrub to get rid of your chapped lips.
    suck on a lemon before going to sleep. The tartness will make you salivate all night and produce enough moister to keep your lips from getting chapped.
    I hate chapped lips. I carry walmart brand lip balm in mint w/spf 15 everywhere I go. I even have it on my bed side table, in the car, purse, kitchen drawer and always in my pocket. I find that with the spf factor my lips don't chap. As well, when I am washing at night I rub the face cloth over my lips very gently and then reapply the lip balm. It works great!

    How can I cure my severely chapped lips?

    I've had chapped lips for about 6 months now, maybe more.

    It's getting worse and worse. Sometimes they're like rough stone and it hurts to move them. It's killing me!!! I'm a teenager, I like to kiss my boyfriend for Christ's sake! Can anybody give me any way to fix these horrible lips? Home remedies, anything? Please? Thanks so much.How can I cure my severely chapped lips?
    Vitamin E will help a lot with dry skin. Take this daily. Also, vitamin E lotion ( I love Genes) will clear it up in no time. Drink plenty of water and keep your body hydrated. Stay away from lipsticks that will only dry your lips more. Also, you can just let them soak in a thick layer of vasiline if you want to. Anything to start getting rid of the dryness. Don't lick them.How can I cure my severely chapped lips?
    your not gonna like hearing this but you need to drink more water

    that is a medical textbooks first example of severe dehydration is chapped lips.

    Wear carmex on your lips at night while you sleep, or blistex ointment put it on before you go t bed
    First don't lick them. It actually makes them more dry. Get rid of any dry skin on them by using a tooth brush. Sounds crazy but it works. Just don't go too crazy with it. Then put on a moisturizer followed by vaseline to lock it in. Campo Phenique works really well also.

    It may sting at first, but its worth it!

    It's my holy grail, for real. It's like $3 a tube, but worth it. And as long as you don't have huge lips like mine it'll last you a while haha
    Vaseline every twice a day and vitamin E lotions.............

    Don't lick your lips!

    Keep them moist with water or cream.

    Chapsticks will also help once it starts to get better. Use something will aloe vera such as vaseline with aloe vera.
    Put lotion on you lips, like hand lotion! I have done it and it worked pretty well.

    Hope this helps!
    CARMEX!!!!! it's a god. or burtsbees :)
    bees wax and lots or riteaids 15spf lipbalm or cahp stick

    Chapped lips?

    does anybody know a really really quick way to get rid of chapped lips?Chapped lips?
    chapstick.It works miraclesChapped lips?
    Get some Carmex. It's awesome! I put it on every night before going to bed, no more chapped lips for me.
    lightly apply Vaseline petroleum jelly to lips throughout the day. In just a couple of days tour chapped lips will be gone!
    Carmex! 99 cents at your local pharmacy.

    Chapped Lips!!!!!?

    i constantly have chapped lips. they are not really bad but they are always chapped!!! i drink water so dont say that please. are there any tips or products that could keep me from or prevent me from having chapped lips.Chapped Lips!!!!!?
    blistex the medicated white creamy one or my can not live without BURT';S BEES also after brushing your teeth use your wet toothbrush to exfoliate lips by gently scrubbing in a circular motion pat dry and apply chap-stick or whatever product you find works best for you. that's my daily ritual and I no longer have a problem with chapped lipsChapped Lips!!!!!?
    hey look we aall have the same hair

    Carmex is a life saver!
    All of the lip balms mentioned above work great... its just personal preference. I'm a lip balm junkie so I've tried all of them.

    Another way to get rid of chapped lips is to lightly buff your lips w/ a baby toothbrush before applying any balm. This gets all the flakies off and makes it easier for the balm to do its thing. Sounds weird, but it works. I swear by this during the winter time.

    And you can get a baby toothbrush for like 99 cents. :-)
    moisten your fingers with a bit of water and then dab a little bit of vaseline on them! It works, trust me!
    My lips are chapped to due to the side effect of a drug i'm taking. i put Burt's Bees lip balm during the day, and Vaseline petroleum jelly at night. i heard Aquaphor is good for the lips too, haven't tried it yet though. it's not available in where i'm from
    Applying chap stick constantly. Don't use lip gloss, it's never helped me. I always stay fully stocked on Burts Bee's chapstick and C.O Bigelow mentha chapstick and lipglosses that moisturize and smell like mint and spearmint so your breath smells fresh!
    First of all... dont drink water to unchap your lips. It wont work.It will make themn worse. DEF DEF DEF invest in some chapstick.
    Use Aquaphor. It's basically vaseline, but it comes in a small tube for easy use.
    I have the same probleme. Everynight before i go to sleep i put blistex on my lips and in the morning there really soft. You can use other products too like chap stick. Just try to get some from a drug store not somewhere's else because they dont work as well. If your lips get sore during the day put some more lip chap on. It works all the time.
    the best product in the world is CARMEX i buy like 5 things a month it is the best products in the world
    chap stick is ok but vaseline works best
    Rosebud salve. You can buy it at Bath %26amp; Body Works, it comes in a little tin can. It's amazing, I use it every night before I go to bed and throughout the day, my lips are always super soft.
    wear CHAPstick

    Don't lick your lips. The saliva from your tongue dries them out even more.

    Try Blistex or Neosporin lip treatment

    Or Neutrogena has some really awesome lip balms that work great. The best one for your situation would be Mango (for moisture). If your lips are extremely bad also try Vanilla (for replenishing- best if used overnight). I loved these, that is until I lost them...hah =) (I also have the problem of picking at my lips, so they're usually pretty messed up)
    They have this chap stick that is called 100 percernt natual by blistex or something like that i have it and i love it! i dont have to keep putting more and more on. and they also have this new splash with the rolling ball. i like it but you have to make sure you dont put on to much because it feels wierd. but it works.
    use chapstick or lipgloss constantly during the day

    make sure to keep drinking water

    (which you already said you do)

    and put vaseline on your lips before you go to bed
    The reason for dry lips is not lack of drinking water, a common reason is licking your lips, the best remedy is a tube of (lipseal) that you can purchase almost anywhere. Trust me! it's the best stuff on the market and it's like $2
    put some vaseline on your lips before you go to sleep every night, that should help
    Buy a chapstick. Lol :]
    I have that same problem..I use vaseline and carmex ALL the time!!!
    Aquaphor. Dermatologists recommend it for people using Acutane since their lips get very dry and chapped from the medication. It's a ton more absorbent than Vaseline.
    i love love love strawberry carmex! it works wonders for my hubby and i ... its in a normal little chapstick container.... it stays on all night and all day....and its only like $2...(thats the greatest part!!) ..

    Chapped lips?

    I get HORRIBLE chapped lips. I have a bad habit of licking them, and then it gets red above my lips. How do I cure it? I've always used chap stick, but is there any other way that works better?Chapped lips?
    ok well use blistex and what you need to do is take a washcloth get it damp with warm water and gently rub your lips for 1min in and then you can but your chapstick or blistex and you may need to do this a few times a weekChapped lips?
    Burt's bees works wonders. Try it!
    i swear by Mary Kays Satin Lips! its a 2 step process, the 1st step expholiates (sp??) and the second is a really hydrating lip balm. It makes your lips feel REALLY really soft right away and gets rid of chapped lips! go to (thats my MK lady)
    that seems to work so why change
    stop licking!!!!

    wear nothing for a while-then go for a body shop moisturizer for lips

    drink plenty of water
    i had the same exact problem .. ........ it would get so red around my lips...... before i go to bed i out vasiline on my lips and in the morning and i havent got red lips yet and my lips are so smooth!!!
    Aquaphor....totally amazing. You can buy it at CVS, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
    Use a chapstick that has a lot of vitamin E in it. At night, use some vaseline and your lips will be very soft. Use a lipstick with very bad taste so you wont lick your lips anymore.
    Stop licking your lips and then use a tooth brush to get the chapped skin of and then you can put Vaseline on it.
    I have always used a product called ';bag balm';. It's in a green square tin. Alot of moms will swear by it for any kind of rash or chapped skin. You can find it in the pet section of Walmart. Traditionally, it was used to soothe the chapped skin of the cows utters!!

    Chap stick will not really heal your lips. Chap stik is a waxy substance desinged to protect against harsh weather.

    My son is a ';licker'; and he puts this on before bed every night!
    try putting vaseline on at night and carmex on in the day it works great!
    First of all, stop licking your lips. That is definitely the problem. You can use an old (but clean) toothbrush to gently brush some of the dead skin off your lips. I find chapstick too waxy so I would try something like Blistex on your lips. You could try a medicated or extra moisturizing kind that might heal them faster. can get it at any walgreens or walmart..even 7-11. it works the best..but it stings a little but it's AMAZING!
    i don't like chapstick, I use blistex silk and shine, it's smoother and works WONDERS on making my lips soft and smooth
    U urself is the culprit licking again again steals the moisture in them Chap sticks r temperory cure apply gylicerin mixed with almond oil or vitamin e caps apply it before going to bed so that it remains and u dont lick it off

    Chapped lips?

    My lips always get chapped during the day. My chapstick solves the problem for maybe an hour, but then they get chapped again. Do you know a remedy, or a brand of chapstick that works?Chapped lips?
    Try exfoliating- I use the lip mask from The Body Shop and coconut lip balm. YUM

    If the lip mask feels too weird, brush your lips at night w/ your toothbrush and see if that helps a bit. Good Luck!Chapped lips?
    if you apply the chapstick each hour, you should be good. Also, if you breath through your nose more, that will help eliminate chapped lips
    They all work, you just need to reapply several times a day.
    Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Avon Lip color. It is about $8.00 and if you ';slather'; it on, it looks like a natural skin tone lip gloss or lipstick....I was on Retin A and my lips would never have been the same if not for this product. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. If you do not like it, just return it and get your money back...AND THEY COME TO YOU OR YOUR JOB. WORTH A SHOT!
    vaseline will keep the moisture in, but that bonnebell therapy lip maintenance works well to moisten. really helps me. i used to like the LIPZ brand. but, they stopped making it.
    my husband works outside and he claims that the medicated Blistex works ... thats all he will use...
    Burts Bees all the way, or use a lotion with vitamin c...that always helps too!
  • >windows update
  • Chapped lips?

    I started to get chapped lips about 3 days ago. And Thats when i started going in the pool cause it just opened. I don't knmow why i get it in the summer. Then I got like 1 bump under my lip in my mouth. Now this morning i woke up, with 2 bumps, and my top lip is swollon. I don't know why. Thats the only thing i have been doing different. Why is this happening. Is it an allergy to something?Chapped lips?
    Sometimes the chlorine from swimming can dry them out or they could be sun burnt. Sun burnt lips hurts really bad. You should try to put chap stick and sunscreen on lips which should keep them healthy and not dry.Chapped lips?
    I don't think so because ur allergys don't keep reacting that long.

    I recommend if it gets any worse go 2 a doctor.

    You may have just got a reaction from the chlorine because it'll be very strong if the pool has just opened. You may not have an allergy to the chlorine though. Have you been to any other pools and got a similar reaction? Since you had chapped lips before going in the pool, that may have made you lips worse because of the chlorine. Also, hot weather dries out you lips so they will hurt and chap.

    I have a similar problem - I get chapped lips a lot because of my eczema and dry skin condition. I know how you feel. Here's some advice:

    - Put some Vaseline on your lips every hour or so or if they go dry again. This will moisturise your lips. You could also try Vaseline with aloe vera in - the aloe vera should cool your lips down because you may have also got sunburn on your lips since it's the summer.

    - Don't rub or lick your lips - the saliva has enzymes that will dry your lips them, chap them even more and make them very sore.

    - Go to a doctor about the bumps if they don't settle down within the next few days. Some medication may be prescribed for you.

    - You must go to a doctor or a GP if it gets worse or if anything else comes up.

    Hope I helped x

    Chapped lips?

    my lips get really chapped, really fast, really easily. they get really red when i try to lick them to sooth them. everywhere i go i always carry chap stick but i was wondering if theres other methods for helping with constantly chapped/dry lips.Chapped lips?
    It truley depends on the type of Chap stick your using. Try using Aqufina, or Soft lips, The best of 5star Rateing would be BURTS BEES. You wont have any problums with chapped lips if you use thatt, anywya,


    Here is the chapstick webpage for burts bees if u would like anymore inforamation on it

    if that is not the correct url, google burts bees.

    *vote best answer if helped!Chapped lips?
    I've found carmex to be the best. I had a family member who was on a ventilator and got incredibly chapped lips as a result. Drs told us to avoid vaseline as it can actually cause a type of burn. Chap stick is great for prevention but it doesn't have as many healing properties. Drink plenty of water too. Dehydration often shows in the lips;)
    wel 1st licking your lips makes them worse.. I know it soothes them but it makes the chapping worse. if chap stick isnt helping I would suggest using either soft lips (lip protectant) or Carmex... regular chapstick doesnt work for me either.. it makes my lips drier.. carmex for very chapped lips works great.. if they are raw it does tend to tingle a little for a few minutes but both that I named have an spf protector in them... also you could drink more water in addition to the carmex/softlips.
    Go to your local pharmacy and find the lip balm aisle.

    Vaseline may be not as comfortable as Blistex or other medicated lip ointments, because it's not specially made for chapped lips.

    You can also ask a pharmacist about the best brands while you are there.

    Murad Soothing Skin and Lip Care online or at Sephora stores also Glytone Condition Nighttime Lip Treatment

    Only things that work for my chapped lips-everything else only provided very temporary results for me
    licking your lips actually dries them out! carry chapstick and when you get the urge to lick, swipe that stick! just make sure you take it out of your pocket before you wash your pants....
    Vaseline Lip Therapy or Blistex.
    Try not to lick you're lips that just makes it worse, use carmex it lasts all day.

    Chapped lips?

    so im having really bad chapped lips lately. ive been using bliztex complete moisture and it seems to dry them out even more. and then they get all cracked and the skin like comes off. what can i do?!Chapped lips?
    Use chap stick it really works!!!!!Chapped lips?
    Drink more water. Chapped lips can be a sign of dehydration. The best item I ever found for chapped skin is Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream. It works well. I always use it when skiing in cold windy temps to avoid getting chapped lips. It's also a healing cream once the damage is done.

    You can probably order it online at Elizabeth Arden. Not cheap but it works. Also, a skin doctor told me about Cetaphil. Inexpensive good cream for dry skin available at your pharmacy. ie CVS.
    you need to drink more water. my lips get saw and cracked and flakey when i dont drink enough
    use soft lips, or burts beeswax. available at target and walmart
    Chap Stick (any flavor) works best and fast.
    Mary Kay offers Satin Lips庐 Lip Mask which is the only one to

    effectively exfoliates dead surface skin cells that cause lips to appear dull and lifeless. Satin Lips庐 Lip Balm in clinical results show that a single application of Satin Lips庐 Lip Balm moisturizes the lips for at least six hours.

    for more info please email me at
    use chastick... Vaseline and before you go to bed apply some body lotion to your lips... the greasiest one you can find it will hydrate them really fast
    drink lots of water.

    vaseline is the best.
    vaseline,carmex,or chap stick
    vaseline.... it works for me...
    Get blistex. It is medicated and works well. It may burn 2 or 3 seconds but you use it once a day and it keeps ur lips from getting chapped and prevets chapped lips in the future. The one in the green bottle.
    I use the Lip Scrub and Vaseline. I have the chocolate flavor of lip scrub, and it reminds me of brownie batter.
    put on alot of carmex before you go to bed and leave it on overnight.
    dont use bliztex if it dries them out more, everyones lips are different so you have to find the chapstick that works for you.
    i've had this same exact problem since my teenage years, i know exactly what ur talking about, and it always seems to me the more i used these expensive medicated name brand lip balms the more i had the need to use them so none of them really worked.

    What i do now is take regular sugar and rub the sugar into my lips for a minute or two this really exfoliates the lips, and the only chapstick i use now is coccobutter chapstick, it really is the best one i've had and to remind u i've tried them all, expensive, medicated, name brand ones and truley the coccobutter chapstick is the best one..hope this helps u
    If you have chapped lips, then you are dehydrated. That is the first sign. Drink more water. Stay away from things with Caffeine and alcohol, which makes dehydration worse. When they start to peel, here is what you can do. When you are in the shower and they are nice and rehydrated from the steam, take your toothbrush and brush your lips, then when you get out put something on them that is really thick and medicated, like Carmex. It works for me everytime.
    you need to exfoliate for a ceap lip exfoliator get a tooth brush the softest you can find after brushing your teeth use the other brush soak it in nice warm water mixed with a little mouth wash and softly brush your lips in sircle movements to remove dead skin tissue after use a good lipbalm something that contains beezwax. If you take the name bliztex wat do you see bliz = blisters so what that does is dry out any moisture that is formed when you have fever blisters its the moisture in the blisters that infects the rest of you lip area so even if it says complete moisture its not made for the purpose you are using it use chap stick after you exfoliated and as many times you can during the day and just before you go to bed and yes you need to drink more water it seems you are dehydrated.
    Use vaseline before going to sleep at night and make sure you drink plenty of water. Bliztex silk and shine is a really good moisturizer during the day. Also, try not to wear any lipstick for a while, as this may add to the chapping problem. Hope this helps.
    burts bees!! thickly. then follow up with a gloss. it will stay on longer %26amp; keep your lips moisterized
    This has been my problem, too, since high school, and the best solution I found was to use Vaseline petroleum jelly after brushing my teeth, when the lips are still wet and tender and moisture can be sealed in. I carry a small tub of it in my bag wherever I go and re-apply throughout the day as needed.
    Blistex and Carmex are designed to treating cold sores, so they contain ingredients that do end up drying out your lips, even when they feel good at first.

    You may want to try Sally Hansen Lip Plumper and Conditioner, or Avon's Plumping Lip Conditioner. You can wear them alone, or with lipstick or gloss. Makes my lips feel great, and I only have to apply/reapply two or three times a day when worn under lip gloss.

    As others have mentioned, drink more water. You have to remember to moisturize from within, as well as from the surface.
    use a little of the drugstore brand chapstick and vaseline it really helps same thing happened 2 me but my mom helped me out or u can get the medicated chapstick that wurks really well 2 hope it helps KTHNXBI!!!!!!
    find out why you have the chapped lips first. if you have a problem with chewing on them, and then afterwards they dry out and get all rough, then as soon as you feel yourself chewing your lips, put lip balm on them. if its something else try using lip gloss instead of lip balm, it stays on longer.

    just keep using lip balm constantly. when it dries, put it on again.
    Vaseline is the best, it works evry time...
    drink more water
    You have to drink at least 8 cups of water a day, but 10 or 12 would be better. If it has been going on a long time it is best to see a dermatologist as there are a number of medical conditions and allergies (e.g. to ingredients in lipsticks and toothpaste) that can cause chapping. If it is due to a medical condition no amount of water or ointments will improve it.
    sometimes chapped lips is a sign that you are not drinking enough water, and keeping yourself hydrated. Try using just plain petrolium jelly (vaseline) and putting it on your lips before you go to bed helps too.
    burts bees wax
    Nicole Look into the Satin Lips set from Mary Kay. It has a two step program. First is a mask that you use 2-3 times a week for about a minute, never two days in a roll. This takes off the dead cells. Then apply the Lip Balm, which keeps your lips moist up to 6 hours. You can apply this a couple of times a day. A lot of the lip products out on the market actually have an ingredient in it that will dry your lips out about 15 min after applying, which makes you apply more and you end up with really dry lips.

    Chapped lips?

    this morning i woke up and my lips were really dry... and i yawned an my bottom lt split right down the middle. any home remedies/creams i can use to help speed up the healing process. it hurts when i move my lips...Chapped lips?
    Vaseline....use it like every 2 hours and before you got to sleep.Chapped lips?
    Its important for you to remember not to lick your lips. Saliva will dry out the lips. Try petroleum jelly or carmex.
    neosporin. and just like, keep them chapp sticked. ! l0l.:)
    Try good ole vaseline or bee balm. Brush your lips after you brush your teeth, this will cut down on bacteria.
    carmax or the brand chapstick chapstick
    Vaseline works really well..just lather it on..or chap stick if you have it.
    I had chapped lips. Use Synalar every two hours. I think its sold only in the Philippines(I live in the Philippines). If it is sold only in the Philippines, try Petroleum Jelly, I use it, too.
    Use Burt's Bees.
    vaseline, burt's bees, carmex, chapstick.. all great
    Use Carmax, Keihls, or Chapstick, those are all good brands!

    Chapped lips?

    I use lip balm everyday but my lips never seem to be smooth, always got skin peeling off em or they feel rough... feel like getting a scouring pad and scraping all the skin off... any one know anything good to help?Chapped lips?
    i have same problem but was told not to overdo it with balm as your lips can become 'addicted' and stop producing natural moistures. I think its the time of year as well. Exfoliate and use balm but just not too much too often.Chapped lips?
    Use plain Vaseline at night that will help heal them and even try some during the day probably you just have severely chapped lips because of the enviornment you are in.
    Poor you. Yes, if you use a facial exfoliator sponge to slough off the dead skin then moisteurise with a moisteuriser. Hope this helps.
    what a coincidence, was just browsing questions while biting dry skin off my lips (how unattractive!) when i came across this one. you can get some kind of medicated lip balms like blistex relief cream which i use sometimes which is quite good. but whatever you use if you have dry lips, especially in the winter months, you should apply it regularly to keep your lips smooth. I also find the little tins of vaseline lip therapy with aloe vera are good and mine is always in my bag.

    Hope this helps

    ok, what u should do is gently rub a flannel over ur lips while they got balm on them, the scaly feeling is the dead skin
    Vaseline is by far the best,stop scraping the skin off aswell and let them heal.Put on about 3 times a day.
    lightly use a toothbrush to remove skin (if not sore) and apply vasoline, or use an olive oiled based balm
    When you brush yor teeth in the morning, gently brush your lips. Afte 2 dys or so, you will see a difference. Chapsticks can be very drying contrary to popular belief so try something that has a high petroleum content or a lip oil.
    Water drink lots and try a topical use balm like a medicated one rather than cheap everyday balms
    drink lots of water
    put some vaseline on your lips at night and buy some medicated chapstick for during the day when you go out and never ever ever lick your lips it only makes it worse

    Chapped Lips?

    I have these annoying lips. They get chapped, I used chap stick and other things, but soon enough they become chapped again. What can I do to get them soft and unchapped, and keep it that way?Chapped Lips?
    use carmex. that stuff has saved my lips even in the winter when it was -5 and windy.Chapped Lips?
    ur's not enough to hydrate only from the outside

    u need to drink more liquids

    and NOT soda or beer :D


    u'll see it works
    I have much the same problem, and have had it all my life. They bleed and crack, and it's really a mess at times. Until recently, my best friend's mother, an RN told me to use Neosporin, or some other aintibacterial ointment like it. It works even better than Carmex or even vasiline, and I have tried EVERYTHING!!

    I think this is an inherited thing, as my mother has it too. I don't think there is a way to get rid of it for good, but the Neosporin certainly helps me in a BIG way, and lasts longer than anything I have tried. Try keeping a small tube of it with you, and applying it a few times a day, for starters, and eventually you will need it even less, but I would stick with at least 1-2 times a day, in the morning, and especially at night, when they can get the worst.

    Also, if you are out in the sun, use a little sunblock on them, that will help too.

    My only other advice for doing these things, is be sure not to lick your lips for a while once you put either the Neosporin or sunblock (if you are in the sun) on - eeeewwww! :-)

    That's what has really worked for me, and I have the worst case of chronic chapped lips of anyone that I know. But the Neosporin really helped, and you can tell an imidiate difference in that vs all those other things. I had even tried lotion, but this still does the best. And since it is made for healing broken or cut skin, it has all the healing things in it to really help you out.

    Hope it works!
    I use Burts Bees and/or Carmex. They are 10x's better than just plain chapstick.
    First of all, I would get rehydrated by drinking the recommended amount of water a person should drink a day. Then I would gently exfolliate the dry, flaky lips with a warm washcloth. I have had great results from Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers. Good Luck.
    Use vaseline %26amp; keep applying it throughout the day
    Could something be causing your lips to chap such as:

    licking them a lot. - stop licking them

    using a face cleanser or product that is drying them out. - begin keeping these products off your lips

    picking your lips with your fingers. - stop picking

    My favorite chapstick is Burt's Beeswax.
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  • Chapped lips?

    I have moderately chapped lips, and they are pretty dry most the time, and almost everything i use makes them more chapped, sting, or really doesn't do anything for me. So im looking for something to use on my lips like a brand of lip balm or home remedy. Also I read this thing that said to mix water and sugar and massage it on your lips to exfoliate, and it is suppose to make your lips soft. So does any one know if that works?Chapped lips?
    I have tried the sugar thing and it basically gets the dead skin off but I apply any kind of chapstick then rub sugar onto my lips and It really helps just make sure that you are gentle

    after you do this apply a chapstick of your choice (I'd reccomend Blistex or SoftLips brand) and your lips should be good as new

    hope this helps!

    Good Luck!Chapped lips?
    the first thing is to treat the real problem.

    you simply needs the boost from the inside--drink lots of water and eat more fruits and veggies--it's the best source of good nutrients and vitamins needed by our skin.

    then moisturize your lips using lip treatments.

    Murad or simply the cheaper brands like Chapsticks work just as good.

    To exfoliate it is pretty easy,olive oil and some sugar will help.Honey and sugar will be good as well.
    I would suggest you make sure you are properly hydrated. Dehydration causes chapped lips, so drink lots of water. The one chapstick that I really like that works is the Walgreens brand chap-aid. The sugar thing may work, it would probably be better to use some sort of oil instead of water. I use canola oil and sugar as a face scrub once in awhile.
    Try Vaseline Lip Therapy Advance Formula, it's really good, you can use it before you put on you lipstick, it adds shine too. And don't forget to use it before you go to sleep. Hope it helps.
    Please check this out:鈥?/a>
    Have you tried Blistex, that stuff is pretty good, it's better than most chap sticks.
    burts bees is way better than that one chapstick company with all the flavors.
    Burts Bees products are good. You should try that.

    What products can I use to heal my terrible chapped lips?

    Hello! I need a beauty consultant that can give me some advice/products for me to purchase for my terribly chapped lips. I need help to make my lips smooth and soft. Any suggestions? Please, help me!!What products can I use to heal my terrible chapped lips?
    Carmex is good for dry cracked lips...its even recommended for people who use Acutane since they get dry skin. Also, Kiehl's lip balm in the pear flavor is great in getting your lips nice and supple. You could also use a scrub with sugar and honey to scrub the dry skin and then apply lip balm.What products can I use to heal my terrible chapped lips?
    This is your new plan for the next few weeks to get beautiful smooth lips:

    1. Use an old soft tooth brush that has just been wetted to brush your lips to get rid of any flakes.

    2. Put vaseline on your lips, then gently wipe off with a tissue.

    3. Put any burt's bees, or carmex on your lips when you first wake up and always before you go to sleep if no other times.

    NOTES: the carmex can sting but fter awhile it will just tingle don't take it off!

    I am not a beauty consultant , but i used to have chapped lips for as far as i can remember so i can give you some advises from my experience.

    Chapped lips can have several causes, including dry weather, overexposure to the sun, lip biting and sucking, riboflavin (vitamin B-2) deficiencies and ill-fitting dentures.

    Petroleum jelly (or Vaseline) should be avoided - it may cause temporary relief but worsens the problem in the long run ..Most of the lip balms on the market contain petroleum products, such as mineral oil, petroleum jelly and paraffin wax . Many lip balms also contain synthetic flavors and fragrances.What it really does is prevents your lips from absorbing moisture from the air, and fools your skin into thinking it has adequate moisture, so your lips stop producing it. So it pretty much ends up making chapped lips even drier, which hurts.

    One should avoid licking their lips as saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which can damage the already compromised lip tissue. Avoid the Sodas , sports and energy drinks, they have salts and caffeine in them which act as diuretics and dehydrate .

    Use lip balm that contains sunblock if you are going to be outside.

    Avoid licking your lips, since the saliva will evaporate and leave them dry.

    Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Drink a lot of water keep yourself hydrated.... and I would recommend using Natural Lip Balm... they work pretty decent.

    If the problem persists for a long time Consult a Doctor
    If they are badly chapped right now I would use an intensive chap stick from like Blistex to heal your lips. Then once they heal you will need a good moisturizing chap stick to use on a daily basis i would recommend the cherry flavor of Chap Stick it has always worked for me.
    Chapstick is amazing.
    I have the best thing ever !!! I always use it and it works like a pro ! It`s called

    Protex by personelle

    I hope this helps you !
    girl..your not the only too Lol

    just use vick..i know nothing to do with the lip gloss thing nor make up stuff..but trust me it 17 and its my senior year at Arlington heights..high..and...that school is fulled with biochz...
    Lots of people reccomend Chapstick,

    But i went with nivea hydro-care. its really good.

    but my personal preference over those two is..: this might sound crazy but its Loreal Colour Juice Lipgloss! i find it so moisturising %26lt;3

    I am currently on Accutane and I have very chapped lips and shortness of breath, help?

    I am on Accutane, for about a week now, and I have very chapped lips, which i know is a side effect, and chapstick helps that but I'm also having shortness of breath. Is shortness fo breath a side effect? I've had it before and it usually goes away, I jsut didn't know if it was a side effect.I am currently on Accutane and I have very chapped lips and shortness of breath, help?
    you should probably see your doctor for your breathing symptoms. dr. dans cortibalm is the best stuff for chapped lips. i've never seen it in a store, but you can search for it online. hope you feel better.I am currently on Accutane and I have very chapped lips and shortness of breath, help?
    GET OFF THAT STUFF IM SERIOUS!! IT GAVE MY FRIEND HEART PROBLEMS, that was two years ago and he still suffers from side effects

    How to cure chapped lips (without chapstick or any medicines)?

    I'm in Argentina and have horribly chapped lips but they don't have any chapstick where I'm staying! I'm going to buy some tomorrow when the store opens but until then what can I do? I heard adding butter works.How to cure chapped lips (without chapstick or any medicines)?
    careful not to taste it, but lotion is helpful if you have nothing else.How to cure chapped lips (without chapstick or any medicines)?
    First, moistureize your lips. Drink some water, or put some to your lips. Just enough to keep them from cracking. Next, and some kind of oil based substance to them after they finish drying. This will keep the water from escaping. Butter, cooking oil, margerine, or even grease works.

    BTW, grease tastes gross on lips, but make do with what you have!
    butter works.

    I have had chapped lips for about two weeks now?

    I have been applying chap-stick and lip-gloss and it won't go away. I have never had this problem and don't know what it could be coming from. It hurts and the skin peels up. Anyone know any home remedy or any over the counter medication that will cure this irritating problem?I have had chapped lips for about two weeks now?
    Burts Bees Chapstick has a menthol cooling effect and it works sooo good. Ive been using it for about 2 years now and my lips havent been chapped since I started.I have had chapped lips for about two weeks now?
    Lips become chapped for a multitude of reasons. Wind and cold weather are two of the most common. Obstructed breathing can force patients to mouth-breathe, which also predisposes to chapped lips. Chapped lips may be due to allergic or irritant dermatitis from the use of topical lip products, mouthwashes, or toothpastes. Isotretinoin, a drug used to treat acne, causes mucocutaneous reactions such as cheilitis (severe chapped lips).

    Chapped lips are painful and unsightly. If they crack open, the patient can experience pain when performing normal daily activities, including eating, drinking, talking, smiling, or kissing. Furthermore, some patients with chapped lips compulsively and obsessively lick them in vain attempts to relieve the discomfort. However, this activity delivers irritant salivary and intraoral fluids to the lips, worsening the problem.

    Potential treatments for chapped lips include protectants, hydrocortisone, and products of unknown safety and efficacy, such as those containing salicylic acid. Try using: Blistex Complete Moisture, Blistex Medicated Lip Balm, Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment, Carmex, Chap Stick Medicated Lip Balm, CortiBalm, Herpecin-L, Neosporin LT and Neutrogena Lip


    And I recommend that you only use gentle lip balm containing FDA-approved protectants.

    I had this problem and it went on for months. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me. She thought I was allergic to my chapstick (although it felt better to put chapstick on every 10 minutes!). When that did not work, she thought maybe I was allergic to whatever products I put on my face (like facewash, cover-up, toothpaste, etc). I changed everything I used on my face and that still didn't work (although my dentist did say that the toothpastes with the whitening in it can irrate some people teeth so if you use that change to a non-whitening product. I know it is hard to find now days but it doesn't make your teeth burn as much). I finally was sent to a dermotologist who figured that maybe I was getting cold sores on my lips that never surfaced the skin. He ended up giving me an ointment prescription and Valtrex (because cold sores are a type of herpe) for a month and it went away. Now every couple of months or so I have to use the ointment for a week or so at night and usually sometime in the winter time I have to get the Valtrex but it works for me. If you lips look pretty normal except for they look slightly redder than usual or get little red dots on them I would mention something to your doctor.
    The first thing to do is discontinue the Chap-stick. Chap-stick, if used often, will cause your lips to stop creating it own lubricant and just depend on you putting Chap-stick (or any other lubrication). It is miserable for a week or so but eventually your lips will start to create it own moisture again.

    Also, don't keep licking your lips this will cause them to dry out. Make sure once you wean yourself off the Chap-stick that you apply some kind of spf 30 to your lips before you go out in the sun.
    Buy a spare toothbrush, a soft one, and apply a small amount of Vaseline to the brush. Very lightly brush your lips (only for a few seconds) in small circles. It will take off any rough skin and moisturize at the same time.

    Do this twice a day (after you brush your teeth) and you should feel a difference in 2 days. If not, see your doctor... you may need something stronger.
    I know this sounds crazy but i once tried. Vick's vapor rub before i went to sleep and basically when i woke up they were a lot smoother. but like i said its a crazy thing to do, so if you dont try it i wouldn't blame ya. It just worked for me. Hope that helps.
    i dunno about medince or anything like that but mabey if u drink more water %26amp; at the same time wet your lips. it can help it. Happens to me all the time and water helps tons. Hope this Helped. ♠DaNa♣
    Use vassline;_ylt=Au.2Q7HiM2wo3d0tSjyfWqHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080902095516AAE41C8
    Carmex is good, but also try Mary Kay's Satin Lips; the stuff works wonders.
    Petroleum jelly! It's the instant moisturizer.
    AQUAFINA Lip Hydrating Oil works really well for dry lips
    Try Carmex. Drink lots of water too. You could be dehydrated!
    hello there!

    coincidentally, i have had the same experience as you.

    in my case,

    it was the combination of the lip moisturizer and the lip gloss that didn't work.

    i used this all-purpose beeswax from a Swedish cosmetics company, Oriflame. this beeswax is actually a superb product for preventing dryness, but i discovered that it doesn't go along with any kind of lip products.

    the problem lays in the texture of the beeswax.

    the beeswax has this creamy and wet texture, a 'heavy' substance.

    in a way, it's similar with the lip gloss texture, and this is where the problem came from.

    when applied, the beeswax gives a shine to lips.

    and this, is a no-no.

    if the lip product you use to moist your lips gives a shine on your lips,

    then you might want to consider to use it solo,

    otherwise it will have a 'fight' with your lip gloss/lipstick,

    and the casualties of their fight is the skin of your lips.

    it's all about balance, you know.

    don't use two lip products that have similar texture,

    one has to be the modest one, while the other gets to be the showy one.

    if you're looking for a lip care product that goes along with your lip gloss,

    i'd recommend Nivea Lip Care - Repair and Protection. it's cheap, available in most drugstore, and of good quality.

    now, i don't know about Chapstick, since i don't live in the US.

    if the Chapstick you use doesn't have the characteristics of the beeswax i mentioned earlier,

    then the problem may either be your health, or the lip products you use.

    make sure the lip products you use are not expired,

    and in addition to water, try to have more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

    in the mean time,

    to fix your chapped lips,

    try The Body Shop Lip Scrub/Scuff.

    it's a bit expensive, but it's great for exfoliating your lips in a gentle way.

    or, if you have honey at home, that's even better.

    buy a baby/toddler toothbrush, and gently massage your lips with it after you have a shower (when your skin is still damp),

    and smear a little bit of honey on your lips afterwards.

    i hope that can help you, even only a bit.


    You're pregnant.

    How to cure chapped lips in a short time?

    I have a dance tonight at 7:00pm I need to be ready 10 minutes before. (6:50pm) Now it is 5:10pm eastern time where I live. Does anyone have any fast cures to make it loom better. Thanks a lot!!!!How to cure chapped lips in a short time?
    Try some olive oil, or a seed oil, like sesame seed oil. Apply some now, and then use some lipstick in about 15 minutes, to seal in the moisture.How to cure chapped lips in a short time?
    just now i had horrible chapped lips and i read that aloe vera works and i put it on and i also read to brush your lips with a tooth brush and so i put the aloe vera on for like 5 minutes and brushed my lips and it felt smooth and then i decided to do it again and brush them again and then now my lips dont feel chapped or look chapped anymore and im also drinking water to keep the chapped lips away.
    Burt's Bees has the best lipbalm, bonus part, it smells like peppermint!
    carmex works good and quick for chapped lips.
    Drink plenty of water. The first sign of dehydration is chapped lips. You can lube, grease ect. but without alot of water its a losing battle.
    Mentholatum or Vapo-Rub, I swear by it
    Vaseline works really well.
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