I've had major problems with this as well. Chapstick and other similar products are addictive. They actually make your lips dryer in the end! Use Carmex lip balm. You can find it at Wal-mart and probably any pharmacy. You only have to use it once or twice a day, and your lips stay soft throughout the day. It's got plain yellow packaging and is not very pretty looking, but it's good, trust me!What should I do about chapped lips?
You just have to keep them moisturized. I can't go one day let alone hours without something like some lip gloss or chapstick on my lips. Another thing is not to lick them because it will make them drier... Just keep on using your chapstick, and when you're at home use vaseline on your lips.. i know it sounds ghetto, but it will help keep them moisturized because it's not as thick and balmy as well... I don't know if you're a boy or girl, but you can use clear lip gloss if you're not the type to wear lipstick or colored glosses. neutrogena has a clear lipgloss, and it's kinda pricy but it works...
exfoliate them. I know that BeautiControl makes this stuff LipApeel that works awesome, but a toothbrush and some petroleum/baking soda paste will work also. Scrub them GENTLY, rinse, Apply some olive oil on the lips and do so often. Before bed, rub on a generous amt. of petroleum jelly.Drink more water and less soda.
there is this stuff you can get in a little jar (carmex size) that is actually made for cracked skin on your feet that works really well as a deep penetrating lib balm. It is very thick and no matter how much you lick your lips it does not come off. I think it is called Crack Cream and can be bought at Wal-Mart. My sons and I apply it 2-3 times a day and we havent had chapped lips all winter where before our lips were so dry they cracked and bled
I've noticed that I get chapped lips fairly quickly whenever I travel, so I always carry some kind of chapstick with me, applying it liberally and often (every 30 minutes to 2 hours, as needed) as soon as I notice any signs of chapped lips.
I finally figured out that the CAUSE was that I was drinking far fewer fluids (primarily water) when I traveled. Try to increase -- rather than simply maintaining -- the amount of water and other fluids that you drink. Applying any lip balm that will seal in the water will then be able to work MUCH better.
Do aerobics each day. Get the blood flowing better. The chapping will go away.
Naturally obtained Prostaglandin F2 alpha and Prostaglandin E in a fructose and protein mixture. See the link. Apply everynight and as needed.
dont use chapsticks. use blistex. it helps a lot. out it on every 30 minutes for a day atleast.
Take a dry toothbrush and gently move along lips...this will get rid of dead skin. Try Blistex again after doing this...
I also get chapped lips all the time. What I do is drink loads of fluids and apply blistex/chapstick( which one I have at the moment) frequently.
try neosporin lip treatment
continue using a good lip balm with sunscreen or neosporin. drink more water.
I find that vaseline works great. Try to avoid sticky, cheap, ';gloopy'; lipglosses with heavy flavours or scents.And no matter how much you are tempted, try not to keep licking your lips, this will dry them out even more!
drinking lots of water also helps, keeps you hydrated
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