Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is the best natural remedy for chapped lips?

i was just wondering what is the best remedy for chapped lips, since i found i may be allergeic to some substance that are in ordinary chapped lips. i was wondering are there any other lotions, creams, oil out there that soothe the skin and speed up healingWhat is the best natural remedy for chapped lips?
You might want to discuss this with your doctor.

The olden days Vaseline Petroleum Jelly was used. I don't know if anyone is allergic to it -- maybe it's worth discussing with your doctor who knows you...What is the best natural remedy for chapped lips?
You may want to try Burt's Bees Beeswax lip balm, only because the Burt's Bees line of products try to stay as natural as they can get for skin products. (I sound like a TV ad.) It's about $3 for lip balm but it might be worth the money if you're looking for a more natural way to go. I'm usually buying Carmex or similar lip balm but that might be a little harsh for sensitive lips.
The best, natural remedy you have on your own body-it is the oil produced behind your ear and works very well as a prevention and aides the healing process.

Moisturizers, creams and lotions usually have alcohol or some form of evaporation and usually succeeds in drying out the lips and making the problem worse.

Lip balms, chap-sticks etc. paste a thick layer over the damaged skin and not allow the damaged area to get rid of the dead while making new skin extending the amount of time to heal. Using these as a prevention does the opposite as skin will quit manufacturing it's own when it senses there is too much there already.

A light coat of Vaseline can help to prevent severe cracking without drying out your lips worse. LIGHT COAT!

Tie up your TONGUE!!! In other words, don't lick your lips. It always makes it worse!! I know its hard NOT to do.

Tell yourself your body will send in a bunch a ';lip driers'; because they know you are not suppose to have wet lips. They do exist just as ';moisture makers'; do.


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